My hormones are going ridiculous right on schedule. Every time this happens it adds up to the weight of stress. And I have low threshold for it. Stress! That basically sums up most of people's current life statues, me included. I go to work five to six days a week, make sure that the company's operations are working a.okay, learning to troubleshoot if not, dealing with different personalities (some are not at all pleasant), meetings to attend here and there, constantly reminding self to control emotions and try to not be over sensitive, navigate through traffic, go home to a messy space, noisy dogs, and nosy housemates, brainstorm what to eat for dinner, do the laundry, try to stop being overly self critical at the end of the day, try to not think of work, and try to sleep. Oh wait! I think I forgot to breathe! It gets tiring.
And then came this book.
Sanity Secrets for Stressed-Out Women
Sue Augustine |
Reading it is like remembering there's such a thing in life called sanity. The author, Sue Augustine, gives help on how to identify things we can control and doing something about it, and on how to cope with the things we cannot control. She offers creative solution suggestions to daily stressors. She is knowledgable on the topic of stress, has a sense of humor, and her practical tips are a big help to everyday life.
Will go back to reading.
Have a pleasant day!