"Let him remain a poet and reveal magic coincidences and magic possibilities."
~Anais Nin
I first came upon Anais Nin while reading about Henry Miller. She is best known for her unstructured bohemian lifestyle that was the life blood of her diaries. As a diarist, she is very aware of herself in relation to her environment and those with whom she interacts. She is decadent and affront. She can be sympathizing but sometimes highfalutin. In most of her pages she records her obsession for love which I find narcissistic and foolish that my eyes roll inadvertently all the way to the moon while reading. Regardless, she's a good, though not great or awesome, writer. She can bring color to her opinions on art, writing, and everydayness by means of poetic locutions.

"Proust and Dostoevsky are opposite poles in the study of love. Proust studied its fragmentations, analyzed its disintegrations, the malady of doubt and jealousy. Dostoevsky studies the exaltations of instinct and impulses, the dangers of emotional passions. In Proust duality, in Dostoevsky an effort to dissolve dualities and conflict by a Christian self-annihilation, lost of the self in the ecstacies of sacrifice. In Proust disintegration of analysis. In Dostoevsky through passionate instinctive blind impulses, masochism, the chaos of nature. In Proust the tragedy of lucidity, in Dostoevsky the tragedy of blind emotions, obscurantism, mysticism, contradictions."
~Anais Nin
September, 1941
Book: The Diary of Anais Nin, Volume 3: 1939-1944
Author: Anais Nin
Number of pages: 327
Published by: A Harvest Book (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.)
Price: *
Available at: *
I got this book via ebay. I'm not sure if local bookstores in Manila got 'em.